BTI Welcomes Gail Landman in joining our team as our new receptionist. Gail brings with her lots of knowledge. Gail is also a licensed LVN so WoooHoooOO for having a nurse on staff!
BTI Welcomes Gail Landman
Promotion: Christine Thompson
BTI is proud to announce that Christine Thompson has been promoted from our amazing Receptionist to our Accounting Department. Great Job Christine, we are very proud of your hard work!
Promotion: Linda Ferris
BTI congratulates Linda Ferris with a promotion from Office Clerk to Office Manager. Linda has shown dedication, hard work, and excellent performance and it is with great pleasure that we offer her this promotion.
BTI welcomes Christine Thompson
BTI welcomes Christine Thompson to our team as our new Receptionist. Out of all of the candidates, we choose you because we know you will be a valuable asset to this company!
BTI welcomes Kelly Davis
BTI welcomes Kelly Davis as a Freight Broker. Kelly brings with him the right attitude and personality to make a difference and be successful in the Freight Brokerage and Logistics Industry.
BTI welcomes Linda Ferris
BTI welcomes Linda Ferris as our new Office Clerk. Linda brings with her over 20 years of office experience consisting of Administrative and Managerial experience. With the length and diversity in her qualifications, we are certain that we have made the right choice and see her being here for a long time.
Thanks and may your family be very blessed this Christmas. It was a pleasure working with you this week. Cindi Arroyo Load Specialist
About Blakeman Admin
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