At the end of Q2 2019 we had 11 staff members take the TIA certification exam to become a Certified Transportation Broker. We are pleased to announce that all 11 staff members that took the exam are now Certified Transportation Brokers. This brings our company percentage of CTB’s to 64 percent, job well done!
Our goal is to qualify those who are experienced and mentored to the point where Brokerage abilities will exceed our client’s needs. The question is often asked why the percentage not higher, the simple fact is when we hire team members we run those individuals through the daunting task of true brokerage, making sure the elements of the “triangle” are addressed and the team member fully understands the complexity and demands of freight brokerage.
Congratulations to those in the Blakeman Transportation Family who have passed the exam, to those who have not yet or are looking to take in the near future, Challenge given!
Matt Moore
General Manager
Certified Transportation Broker